Developing in the cloud

The Warehouse development environment requires at least 4GB of RAM. Some users have struggled to make Warehouse performant during local development. This page provides instructions on how to develop Warehouse in the cloud to avoid resource constraints.

Cloud server

The first step is to get a Virtual Machine in the cloud. This could be an AWS EC2 instance, GCP Compute Engine, Digital Ocean droplet, etc. A machine with 4GB RAM is sufficient if you only use it for Warehouse and nothing else.

Note that there is a monthly cost associated with these instances. Depending on the cloud provider, instances are available for approximately $20 / month. Costs can be saved by terminating the instance if you don’t plan to use it for a few days.

Development setup

SSH into the cloud server. Create a new SSH key on this server and associate it with your Github account. Clone the Warehouse repo and go through the normal setup instructions for building the Docker images and starting the containers.

Open ports

Ensure that all ports are open on the instance. If you don’t want to do this, at least open the ports that Warehouse uses.

With make serve running on the instance, visit the instance’s public IP in a web browser and verify that you can load the development Warehouse. For instance, if the public IP of your instance is, visit in the browser.

Edit code

The final step is to edit code and see it immediately take effect. There are two good options:

  1. Edit code directly on the cloud server using an editor like vim or emacs

  2. Edit code locally in an IDE that is connected to the server over SSH

One verified approach for #2 is to use VSCode with the Remote SSH extension. Other IDEs including PyCharm also offer similar features.


This development setup helps circumvent resource constraints while still keeping the same convenient development workflows.